SMEs Sustainability Training in Saudi Arabia

SMEs Sustainability Training in Saudi Arabia.

The King Khalid Foundation and project partner AccountAbility have successfully hosted the fourth Sustainability Leading Practices (SLP) Training workshop in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The SLP program is designed to provide small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) with a foundational understanding of sustainable business concepts. SLP Training sessions have also been conducted in Abha, Riyadh and Dammam, as part of the King Khalid Foundation and AccountAbility’s ongoing efforts to promote responsible business practices and foster SME growth in Saudi Arabia.

The SLP Training program provides Saudi SMEs with sustainability knowledge and skills, which they can apply directly to their growing businesses. The training aims to improve business performance, build entrepreneurial capacity, enhance knowledge of international sustainability leading practices, and share organizational learnings. The SLP training objectives align closely with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030and aim to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

AccountAbility delivered the Jeddah SLP workshop over the course of three days, which included a mix of conceptual and interactive sessions, supplemented with real-world case studies and discussion-based group activities. The workshop was organized into six core training modules, focused on Stakeholder Engagement, Materiality Assessment, Responsible Governance, Workforce Development, Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) Management and Impact Measurement.

Over the course of the three days, participants had the opportunity to network freely with fellow Saudi entrepreneurs and were provided the contact information of all participants to facilitate valuable, continued engagement. Upon completion of the SLP Training, each participant received a certificate to acknowledge their training accomplishment.

AccountAbility looks forward to supporting the King Khalid Foundation with future SLP Training workshops. Please contact us if you or your organization are interested in participating.

About the King Khalid Foundation

The King Khalid Foundation is a charitable organization and a leader in sustainability, philanthropic and development work in Saudi Arabia. King Khalid Foundation envisions a Saudi society with equal opportunities, striving towards prosperity by mobilizing and enabling stakeholders through social investment, capacity building and advocacy. King Khalid Foundation focuses on equal economic opportunity and financial independence which can be achieved through programs aimed at employment, job creations, social entrepreneurship, policy recommendations, improving institutional capacity, sustainability practices and employability skills.

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